{{ REFER TO NOTES AT: http://support.aarcadethemes.com/extras-wholesale-order-form/ }}
{% assign big_cartel_domain = 'snugglyugly' %}
{% capture form_intro %}{{ Snuggly Ugly }} - Welcome to our wholesale store.
* Visit Snuggly Ugly at:
Handmade® Designer Maker, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Javits North
AUGUST 21 - 24, 2016 (Saturday-Tuesday) Booth # 9018
Handmade® Designer Maker, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Javits North
AUGUST 21 - 24, 2016 (Saturday-Tuesday) Booth # 9018
We are please to introduce our 2017 collection which now
includes new fine fabrics as well as our mainstay material of up-cycled
cashmere to create dolls that are as amazing to touch as they are
pleasing to the eyes.
These products are sure to bring joy to your customers equal to our
experience while making them.
Wholesale order form:
Fill in the quantities as needed and click the "Add All To Cart" button when you are ready.
{% endcapture %}
{% capture add_to_cart_notes %}
IMPORTANT: Wholesale shipping costs will be emailed to you when your order is ready.
{% endcapture %}
{% capture form_outro %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign pop_up_image_viewer_colour = '1' %}
{% assign enable_inventory_management = 'yes' %}
{% assign wholesale_discount_percentage = '50' %}
{% assign minimum_order_value = '4' %}
{% assign hide_sold_out_products = 'yes' %}
{% assign hide_coming_soon_products = 'yes' %}
{% assign include_or_exclude_category_list = 'include' %}
{% capture category_list %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign show_per_product_categories = 'no' %}
{% assign order_by_category = 'no' %}
{% assign password_phrase = 'SU321' %}
{% capture sign_in_intro %}Wholesale Orders
Visit Snuggly Ugly at:
Handmade® Designer Maker, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Javits North.
AUGUST 19 - 22, 2017. Booth # 9018
{% assign request_link_subject = 'Wholesale Order Request' %}
{% assign request_link_message_intro = 'Please enter the details of your business below:' %}
{{ LOVE }}
{{ #### END CUSTOM OPTIONS #### }}
{{ ## START ADMIN - DO NOT EDIT ## }}{% capture rlnk %}{% endcapture %}{{ ## END ADMIN ## }}
{% if page.full_path contains '?ids=' %} {% capture ids %}{{ page.full_path | remove: page.url | remove: '?ids=' | replace: '-', ' ' }}{% endcapture %} {{ ids }} {% else %}var aarcadewhS = '{{ store.url }}';
var aarcadewhP = '{{ page.full_url }}';
var aarcadewhjs = '{{ "api" | theme_js_url }}';
var aarcadewhU = '{{ big_cartel_domain | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhHs = '{{ hide_sold_out_products | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhHc = '{{ hide_coming_soon_products | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhDc = '{{ wholesale_discount_percentage | remove: ' ' | remove: '%' }}';
var aarcadewhPc = '{{ show_per_product_categories | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhOc = '{{ order_by_category | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhMo = '{{ minimum_order_value | remove: ' ' | remove: store.currency.sign | remove: ',' }}';
{% endif %}